Kirkuk courts, army to commit to implement article 140
Jul 16, 2023
Kakarash Sadiq, head of the Kirkuk office of the Article 140 implementation committee, told Kurdsat that as a result of their continued efforts to oblige the relevant parties of the Iraqi government to implement Article 140 of the constitution the Kirkuk Court of Appeal and the Iraqi army have been instructed to comply with the constitution.
Kakarash Sadiq added the Iraqi president has submitted a litter Article 140 Committee to meet to implement Article 140 and the president closely follows the situation.
Hadi Amiri, leader of the Badir Organization has promised to visit the prime minister to follow up the implementation of Article 140, Sadiq noted.
Regarding the compensation under Article 140 for people damaged, Sadiq said 300 billion dinars have been allocated for this purpose and 7,000 Kurdish refugees from Kirkuk and 8,000 imported Arabs are on the compensation list.
Imported Arabs, referring to Saddam Hussein-relocated Arabs from southern Iraq in 1980s, would no longer have their agricultural land leases extended by the Kirkuk authorities, according to the Kirkuk official.